"Dear Sinna,you’re great! You’re giving tons of useful advices! This is exactly what I was looking for.Besides, you write in a very entertaining, funny (yet honest and authentic) way. I love it!""Hi Sinna! Thank you so much for this incredible guide. I refer to it at least twice a day""while the detail is C4S specific, much of your advice could apply to many other business models.""I have had a C4S studio for 6 years. Everything I have read so far is spot on. It’s all great advice."Are you a searcher or a worker?It’s like: “Let’s look around and find the method that earns me millions of money in a short amount of time without doing much. Like start one website and that just magically turns into a six-figure passive income”And that explains the thousands of scam websites and useless books that tell you how to get rich. They are made by abusers who abuse the fact that people search for ways to make money. They just endlessly milk the hordes of SEARCHERS.Meanwhile, the searchers just skip through books and websites until they find the million dollar earnings proof they want. And then THEY FIND IT. Why?Because the people writing that stuff know that their target group is a group of searchers. They don’t want to attract actual workers, because those workers will find out very soon that the described method doesn’t work at all.The searchers buy the book / access to the website / course / whatever, then read a little, then do this and that a little. Then NOT get rich, but credit that to the fact that they did too little.Then skip that method and search for a NEW method that will make them rich even more easily.Because, you know, maybe there is another method that gets you rich, by doing little to nothing, but you just have not found it yet.Some searchers never realize that, by buying all these methods that were never meant to work, they actually made that method produce a valid earnings proof.That abuser can now show you a million in sales, because you bought that method with which they presumably made that million. The method does not exist. YOU are the method.Milking searchers is the only method 99% of these people actually have set up.Stop searchingAll my earnings in this book have nothing to do with you or your money. It’s all about what I created and generated from customers of my clipstore, not from you or anyone supporting my adult-income project.All the support for adult-income goes back into that project to help anyone start earning something extra.So why do I show the earnings proof?I am not only trying to help people earn extra income, I also hope to get some searchers to settle, sit down and start DOING.Seriously, I wrote this whole eBook step by step, in my free time, so everyone could follow along.My “method”, “system” or whatever the “get rich online” people call it, is ACTUALLY WORKING.It’s funny that those words can be understood in two ways, because that just hits the nail on the head.I meant them literally. You need to work. I know you don’t like to hear it, but you do.The good thing is, it WILL pay off.The best thing is, from this paragraph onward, I hope I only have serious readers left.The searchers can go on searching now.Suggested google keywords are “get rich fast” “online millionaire” “how to get rich online” and combinations of those.I am sure you will find absolutely great and astonishing results that you can do “TODAY for just $4.99 instead of $6000”I wrote this passage just like the abusers do, to show my deep disrespect to the abusers.Abusers take money from people who don’t have any. Their target group is literally a poor group of people. No rich person in the world is searching for a way to get rich.I really hope that you find my book as useful as all the other people did. It can change your whole life. It's 99 cents on purpose.