Humorous guidebook is aimed at those entering the workforce of small to medium businesses. The author leads you through the process of getting hired, getting along and getting promoted at Beehive Telephone Company.McCown has started dozens of businesses and has hired and fired every imaginable type of employee. For folks just starting a career or re-entering the workforce, this guide is an invaluable window into the thoughts and feelings of an employeer."You can get get your dream job provided you present yourself properly" says Chuck McCown. "But it can also turn into a nightmare if the company will not fire the goofballs and wingnuts."He describes, in his unique voice, annoyances that can add up to make working life hell for co-workers.Chuck is well known for his terse and frank style of pointing out the fact that some folks are simply "as dumb as a box of rocks". Chuck McCown studied Electrical Engineering at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. He has a degree in management from Hannibal La-Grange College in Hannibal, Missouri. He manages the public utility company "Beehive Telephone Company" as well as a handful of retail, manufacturing and service businesses. Chuck and his wife had eight children and live in Erda, Utah.